Contoh Dialog Telepon Berbahasa Inggris Tentang Bisnis

Contoh Dialog Telepon Berbahasa Inggris Tentang Bisnis


Mereka yang tidak familiar dengan percakapan telepon bisnis berbahasa Inggris, pasti menganggapnya sebagai dialog yang sulit dipraktekan. Namun jika dilihat dari contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris melalui telepon tentang bisnis, sebenarnya percakapan ini tidak terlalu sulit.

Percakapan telepon bisnis dilakukan untuk berbagai tujuan, contohnya membuat janji temu, reservasi hotel, dan reservasi restoran. Alhasil, ada banyak ekspresi dan kosa kata yang digunakan dalam percakapan telepon ini. Itulah mengapa banyak orang menganggapnya sulit.

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Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Melalui Telepon Tentang Bisnis

  1. Contoh Percakapan Telepon Bisnis tentang Making Appointment

Receptionist: “Hello, this is McNamara Salon. May I help you?”

Customer: “Hello, this is Lisa Mayer speaking. Can I make an appointment with Judith, please?”

Receptionist: “Is it for a hair cut?”

Customer: “No, I’d like to have my hair colored.”

Receptionist: “Okay, when do you want to come in?”

Customer: “Do you have something on Friday evening?”

Receptionist: “Yes, is 7pm ok?”

Customer: “Yes, it’s no problem.”

Receptionist: “Okay Miss Mayer, we’ll see you at 7pm on Friday.”

Customer: “Thank you, good bye.”

  1. Contoh Percakapan Telepon Bisnis tentang Reservasi Hotel

Receptionist: “Hello, this is The Majestic Hotel. How may I help you?”

Customer: “Hello, I’d like to make a reservation for the 11th of November, please. Do you have any vacancies?”

Receptionist: “Yes, Ma’am. We have several rooms available for that particular date. How many people is the reservation for?”

Customer: “There will be one person only.”

Receptionist: “How long will you be staying?”

Customer: “I’ll be staying for two nights.”

Receptionist: “Would you like a room with a single bed or double bed?”

Customer: “A single bed, please.”

Receptionist: “Your room is two hundred dollars per night. Well, what name will the reservation be listed under?”

Customer: “Nora Charmichaels.”

Receptionist: “May I have your number please?”

Customer: “It is 553876431”

Receptionist: “Okay, Mrs. Charmichaels, your reservation has been made for the 11th of November for a room with a single bed.”

Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris melalui telepon tentang bisnis tersebut dapat kalian praktekan bersama teman untuk meningkatkan kemampuan conversation kalian. Ketika mempelajarinya, jangan lupa juga untuk memperhatikan pronunciation kalian, ya.


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