Reasons Why You Have to Visit Komodo National Park Indonesia - KAMPUNG INGGRIS LA

Reasons Why You Have to Visit Komodo National Park Indonesia


For those who plan a trip to nature destinations, Komodo National Park Indonesia should be on your itinerary. You will get spoiled in many ways, especially if you love nature that much. Well, this article will show you the reasons why you have to visit Komodo National Park.

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1. Witnessing the Habitat of Komodo Dragons

Visiting Komodo National Park allows you to witness the dragon from closer proximity. Of course, you have to maintain your distance – considering this creature is a wild animal and its drool is toxic. Still, you can only get this experience by visiting the site. Find more about this place on Komodo National Park’s official website.

2. Enjoying One of the Best Diving Spots

Generally, Indonesia is home to a bunch of gorgeous diving spots. Other than Bali, Raja Ampat, and Bunaken, you will find several great spots under the sea near Komodo National Park. At least 100 diving sites are located in the Asia Pacific triangle – which is the location of Komodo National Park.

3. Watching Scenery from Summit

Is Komodo National Park worth visiting? Yes, it is – join Pulau Padar tours if you prefer hiking. Once you reach the summit, you can watch the view of the entire island. Even though you have to spend two to three hours hiking, what you get up there is surely worth every step you’ve taken – gorgeously breathtaking.

4. Interacting with Other Fauna

Komodo National Park also has plenty of animals that live in the wild. Thus, you can interact with those that you meet while you are strolling by the beach or driving on the road. From deer and horses to sea-creature mammals, everything is available on this island.

5. Walking By the Beach

Have you heard of Pink Beach? Well, the sand looks pink due to the algae that grow well in this area. Thus, the collaboration between the blue ocean and pink sand is just something that you shouldn’t miss from Komodo National Park.

Indonesia, more than anything, is full of surprises. Komodo National Park Indonesia is only one of those surprising things you will get by visiting this country. Just make sure that you’ve planned your itinerary thoroughly, considering many destinations await.


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